Corporate & Commercial
Mergers & Acquisitions

Jay Liow



6228 0316

Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming”. Hoping to create a legacy of his own someday, this quote by serial entrepreneur Richard Branson piqued Jay’s curiosity as to how a mere seedling of an idea can subsequently grow into fruit-bearing trees. This led to Jay commencing his career in law with a fundraising focused firm, working primarily with venture capitals and start-ups.

Being known to be personable, Jay’s approach to practice is anchored in the believe that “you don’t just close a deal, you open a relationship”. In this vein, Jay strives to endow himself with the ability to harmonise relations and realize synergy between his clients and its stakeholders. Jay believes that clients should not get bogged down by the law and view it as obstacles to their business objectives but rather a tool for the creation of a stable environment where business can thrive. He derives satisfaction in navigating his clients through the rigorous legal framework that they may confront and creating a safe passage through the web of legislations.

When he is not holding his clients’ hand at work, he can be found holding barbells in the gym. Being an avid weightlifter, Jay believes that fitness is key to overall wellness.