Civil & Commercial Litigation & Arbitration

Ong Hui Jing



6228 0305

As a long-time fan of a good old fashioned psychological thriller, Hui Jing has always enjoyed a challenge to her analytical and investigative skills. Her innate curiosity and love of problem-solving, coupled with learning about the intriguing worlds of the legal and not-so-legal in the novels, were what piqued Hui Jing’s interest in pursuing law.

Having started her career in both civil and community law cases, Hui Jing has also come to appreciate the profound impact the profession can have on individuals. Through a series of most fortunate events, Hui Jing has now joined CHP’s dispute resolution practice, where she hopes to hone her commercial sensibilities further and have an even greater impact on the clients she works with.

When she is not poring over documents as a litigator, Hui Jing enjoys a vigorous game of squash, a sport she has enjoyed since the age of 13. Be it on the court or in Court, Hui Jing strives to use both strategy and perseverance to achieve the best outcome for herself and her clients.