Corporate & Commercial
Mergers & Acquisitions

Raj Mannar



6228 1226

Raj started his legal career as a litigator advancing his clients’ interests in the Singapore courts. Having decided to make the switch to corporate practice for his personal development, he now spends his time helping clients get their deals done and keeping them as far away from the courtroom as possible.

With his background in litigation, Raj is especially sensitive to potential risk elements in the deals that he advises on and works with his clients to identify and navigate such concerns. A practical problem-solver, Raj often assures his clients that it is his job to do the worrying for them.

Outside of work, Raj is a member of the Football Association of Singapore’s Committee of Ethics – an appointment that some football supporters may struggle to come to terms with given that he is an ardent supporter of Manchester United.

He is also known to appreciate a good drink (the man loves his beer in particular) whether it is with clients or friends. With his affable charm, these people are often one and the same to him.

Deal Highlights:

• Drafting and advising on a consortium agreement between three companies in the advertising industry, and subsequently advising said consortium on their negotiations with a government body in entering into a services agreement

• Acted for and advised the sellers of an information technology company in the sale of their shares valued at over US$9,000,000

• Acted for and advised a listed company in the divestment of substantial assets in the United States as part of its global restructuring

• Acted for and advised a majority shareholder of a multi-national professional services firm valued at $45 million on the sale of his shares to a Japanese listed company

• Advised on the restructuring of a Hong-Kong based investment company, which involved dealing with approximately US$50 million worth of loans and securities between several entities

• Advised a South-East Asia based low cost carrier on the execution of its global marketing campaign, specifically in relation to issues concerning the collection and processing of human biological material and personal data